

Creativity as a competence is important because it's a source that helps us develop several ideas and opportunities to create value, including better solutions to existing and new challenges we encounter. It stimulates us to explore and experiment with innovative approaches and combine knowledge and resources to achieve valuable effects. 

As a person with entrepreneurial skills you will view situations from different angles and thinks outside the box. A person who is creative can:
  • Explore new ways to make use of existing resources.
  • Alone and as part of a team, can develop ideas that create value for others.
  • Explore open-ended problems in many ways so as to generate multiple solutions.
  • Improve existing products, services and processes so that they better meet their own needs or those of their peers and the community.
  • Describe how some innovations have transformed society

Creativity is something you can improve in many ways. You can become more creative through collaboration, or doing something that you really love. Finding inspiration from role models inside but also outside your community or branch. But also by doing nothing, really unplug from everything that keeps your mind busy.

Building blocks of creativity are; 
  1. Be curious and open, 
  2. Develop ideas, 
  3. Define problems, 
  4. Design value, 
  5. Be innovative.

Curious and open
Curiosity arises when we realise that we don't know something yet, but would like to know it. When curiosity is aroused, our brains get to work and strengthen the connections in the brain. Someone who is open minded will not be hindered by his beliefs or past experiences. When you face the world with an open mind, you are open to new ideas, experiences, theories, people and ways of life. 4 reasons why curiosity is important and how to develop it

Develop ideas
Creativity is quickly associated with fantasy and imagination. That association is very justified: if you have a rich imagination and can easily imagine things, it easily leads to many different ideas. However, this only really works when there is a deep-seated sense of reality against it. When you want to get new ideas you need to be relaxed. You get the best ideas when you don't 'have to' do anything and feel good about yourself. Stress causes your focus to become very small. When you feel relaxed you see more, many more possibilities. Here is a Japanese way to relieve stress in 5 minutes.

Define problems
Is there a problem? When describing the problem, distinguish between the facts (relations between causes and effects) on the one hand, and the valuation of those facts on the other. The facts are the same for everyone, their appreciation depends on the interests one has and the values one uses. And they can differ per party. Problem - Ariana Granda ft. Iggy Azalea

Design value
Designing with value is easier when you create a story about the value that you want to create. Our values are important because they help us grow and develop. They help us create the future we want to experience. When values are shared in a group, it ensures social cohesion in a group or organisation.

Be innovative
Innovation is starting with a new idea, method, or a product. Innovations can transform a society. For example Velcro, a material that consists of two strips of nylon fabric which are pressed together to close things such as pockets and bags, is invented by learning from nature. Do you want to see other examples of being innovative, check out ‘Who came up with the idea for Velcro?

Practice your creativity in the following micro-learning activities and earn your Creativity badge.

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The owner of this the curious creative you badge has:
  • Shown to be curious and open
  • Developed ideas
  • Shown to be innovative

The holder of this badge has worked independently and in collaboration with peers at the skill ‘Creativity’ which connects with the area Ideas and Opportunities (foundation level) of Entrecomp, the European Entrepreneurial Competence framework to improve the entrepreneurial capacity of European citizens and organisations.

How the holder of this badge worked on these skills can be seen in the evidence in the badge tasks. Adult educators have assessed the completed tasks.
Du må fullføre alle oppgaver for å få dette merket
Bevis bekreftet av: en aktivitetsarrangør
The creative you: Discover your own creative talents and type by taking the online assessment www.mycreativetype.com. Share your results here.
Bevis bekreftet av: en aktivitetsarrangør
Curiosity arises when we realise that we don't know something yet, but would like to know it. When curiosity is aroused, our brains get to work and strengthen the connections in the brain. 

To get your brains working: Can you come up with 25 different uses for a spoon that don’t include using it to eat food? When you want to put some pressure on yourself, you can even set a time clock on 5 minutes. Share your list here.


#Be curious and open
#Develop ideas
#Define problems
#Design value
#Be innovative
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